Q&A with Kris Jones, Logistics Manager

Kris was a chef for a long time, showing creativity in the kitchen at the same time as enjoying growing his own vegetables and herbs to eat himself. This passion for gardening expanded until it became his profession – and for the last ten years he has been self-taught, acquiring ever more skills and knowledge as he has become an amazing asset to Alaster Anderson.

Q&A with Kris Jones, Logistics Manager
Location, location, location

Creating stunning London gardens is not for the faint-hearted. There can be so many challenges that it’s essential to call in garden design and planting experts with outstanding experience of top-end projects in the capital

Location, location, location
Is fake grass the bee’s knees?

Artificial grass was banned at this year's Chelsea Flower Show, but as scorching temperatures parch once-beautiful lawns, is fake turf the answer?

Is fake grass the bee’s knees?
Q&A with Joe Sinclair-Hoyle, Head of Maintenance

Joe has been in gardening for 22 years … and from day one knew he had found a job he loved! Joe is in charge of all the maintenance rounds to keep the gardens we have built up to a really high standard.

Q&A with Joe Sinclair-Hoyle, Head of Maintenance
Head Gardener Service

Our Head Gardener Service allows clients to enjoy the best of both worlds, controlling costs with a monthly fee whilst bringing in our incredible specialist expertise to carry out highly skilled tasks essential to realising a garden’s long-term creative vision.

Head Gardener Service
How we work so well at height

London gardens can present some vertiginous challenges. We will often be working at height over spiked railings or on balconies, and we can be shaping and sculpting topiary, trees and hedges that are 6m tall. We believe in setting the highest health and safety standards as an example to our sector.

How we work so well at height
The Best of Bonsai

Japanese bonsai prices reflect the skill and time the nurseries invest over many years to create and craft individual specimen plants. As a result Japanese bonsai generally have more interesting trunks and stems with tightly clipped / pruned canopies, with the overall effect creating a smaller version of a much larger established characterful tree.

The Best of Bonsai
Why soil care is so important

Soil quality is fundamental to a glorious garden, and proper soil preparation and management are real skills that we have honed over many years of experience.

Why soil care is so important
Are hedges the most important garden design feature?

I love to design hedges to create architectural form in a garden. They are there because they are a beautiful piece of sculpture to divide and separate areas, to create rooms and to bring stability to a design.

Are hedges the most important garden design feature?
Why bonsai should excite and delight

I believe in bonsai crafted to gloriously enhance the landscape rather than just producing functional form – it’s about taking a plant and creating something really special. Instead of a standard over-clipped ball of box.

Why bonsai should excite and delight
Return to nature  - our approach to the environment

Working with nature every day means that we see and feel the impact that we have on the environment, the team are therefore passionate about sustainability in their professional and personal lives.

Return to nature - our approach to the environment
Considerations for a planting plan

As well as a horticulturalist, I am a passionate garden and planting designer and thoroughly enjoy working with other designers. Collaborating to develop a designer’s vision and develop high quality schemes that look great is immensely rewarding.

Considerations for a planting plan